CO2 Emission
HONG KONG, 28 March, 2009 – At 8.30 pm. the city of lights went dark and joined 4,000 other cities and towns in 88 countries in an hour of global solidarity. There were more than 1,800 buildings, 600 companies and 160 schools joined this program to off the light, an equivalent to 5% of electricity that is an equivalent of 170 Tons of CO2 emission. In order to absorb this 170 Tons of CO2, we need 380 trees to breathe for 40 years!
Product Design
As CSR company, we have to design product with minimum operation power, environmental friendly material and non toxic recycled packing material. Scientist and electronics circuitry designer are studying in vigor to reduce the power consumption. Less Power consumption pushed the design towards a stringent components selection, tighter Incoming parts tolerance, use of smart logic to reduce unnecessary operation of component in certain application, thus in turn reduce the use of heavy heat sink, cooling fans and redundant electronics modules. Imagine that almost no TV is using massive power transformer anymore. They use Switching mode power supply for smaller footprint and is much lighter, of course cheaper.
Electricity Bill
Domestic illuminations accounts 22%, Air Con for 34%, fridge for 14%, and TV take as much as 7.3% of total monthly electricity bill amount. As For TV which consumes as much 8% of electricity, we could not underestimate the Green TV would have create much less CO2 emission every night you are watching your huge screen TV!
From iSupply’s recent survey, customers are looking for two factors in buying TV: price, and how Environmental friendly the TV is!
Sharp ran a similar questionnaire on 1,002 Americans in Mar 2009, found out that 72% of them would prefer a good price, Green and Power saver design TV.
Standard for Power saver Product
In Hong Kong, there is Energy Label issued by EMSD by 5 grades with “1” as the best performer, “5” the least. There are EnergyStar saving standard in US, In USA, Energy Label in Europe, and EECJ Energy Saving label in Japan.
TV Review
Now UK TV review will cover these major categories. Take for an example for Sony KDL32S5500 LCD TV
Eco-cost of £22.13 per year, based on being switched on 5 hours a day at average Electricity rates.
Its carbon footprint therefore is around 96.92 kg CO2 per year.
Sony TV
Sony had been leader in Product innovation, technology achievement and trend Creation in the 70-80’s. Still recall that Walkman was the craze in the 80’s a successful creation from Sony, the word “Walkman” entered in the Webster Dictionary. ”Betamax”, another technology yardstick of technological achievement, not a commercial success for Sony on Video Recording, due to an uncompromised dispute between Sony, JVC and Panasonics for video system standardization.
Bravia designed with usage of HCFL backlight help reduce in-use power consumption by Approx 40%. Comparing with Sony three types of TV with different structure of Backlight design namely
Sony CCFL, HCFL and LED back light TV
A). Sony KDL-46W4500 CCFL Backlight with average power consumption 230W ( HKD$23,880.00).
B). Sony KDL-46WE5 HCFL (4mm dia.) backlight which consumes a 40% than CCFL (HKD$24,880.00).
C). Sony KDL-46X4500 using more than 1,000 RGB LED as back light, Available 46 and 52” size available (HKD$39,88.00)
Electric Bill
Tests have been doen for these three types of TV the result is :
A). CCFL has average power consumption 230W
B). HCFL has an average power consumption of 150W
C). LED has an average of 200W
Assuming we turn on 8 hours a day and assume HKD$0.90 for 1KVA/HR
A). Sony CCFL TV is HKD$600.00 a year
B). Sony HCFL TV is HKD$390.00 a year
C). Sony LED TV is HKD$525.00 a year
So LED is not the least power consumption backlight system yet. But the performance in contrast is stunning especially the Darkness interpretation is outstanding as they have local dimming function by running off individual LED spot that is HCFL is no way to achieve.
We used to buy TV from brand name in the 60’ as we have popular brands like Bush, Siemens, General Electric, Philco, Blaupunkt, Saba, Telefunken In the 70’ we started to have Sony Trinitron, Denon, National, NEC, Toshiba… in the 80’-90’ we have those B&O, Philips, Sony, Panasonic (National) in 90’s. Now it is the era of the emerging Korea Giant Samsung, LG take 22% and 13% market share of 2009 Q1 World LCD TV shipment.
We can summarize in tree phases, European as the leader in the 60s, at that time Japanese was leaning how to build radio and after 10 years, they could manage to produce quality TV for humid Asian market with success. Amazingly, Now Samsung could produce best quality and with all kind latest technology embedded onto a TV with LED back light at a thickness of 29 mm!
TV Selection
Compare picture quality by using the same input source
Check power consumption, Check the heat generation at the back top side of the chassis. Cooler is better. Warranty period, some of them has 3 years warranty
Go buy CCFL backlight if you are under budget, through they have mercury in the manufacturing process if CCFL, the price is lowest, but the electric bill is highest.
Middle of the road
If you are looking for certain level of good quality between CCFL and LED, HCFL is the choices. And price is affordable.
Celebrities, movie freak and technology lovers
If you are looking for best picture quality, new technology, and a Green TV LED backlight is not a question the best amongst all but you have to pay for a premium. Forget the CCFL or HCFL, they are not built for you!
Plasma TV
How about Plasma TV? They were made with short life time 10 years ago, but this is already history as they can product a very reliable Plasma Display now. Its power consumption is also outstanding, but the consumer is leading the market a Plasma TV is only aprox. 1% of all the TV. Lesser people will go for Plasma TV.
As for my personal comment Plasma TV is some thing like Leica M6 and LED TV is something like your Leica M8! If you do not have Leica camera, try to compare this way: Plasma is like LD and LCD is DVD… so there you can see the difference? If for say very large panel display, Plasma is still having the brightest and contrast you can see. And at a lower cost. No a bad deal!
My Choice
Samsung UE46B7020
Samsung always ensure all the best features are on board with their TV's and the UE46B7020 has not been overlooked by a long shot. By using mercury free LED lights less energy is required and less carbon dioxide is emitted making it a very environmentally friendly TV. Picture quality is kept to a very high standard and Samsung claim that the three C's are required for this: contrast, colour and clarity. This has been achieved with a Mega Contrast Ratio, a Wide Colour Enhancer pro and 100Hz Motion Plus Technology. The ultra slim depth has been achieved by a single, solid, seamless body rather than separate parts being moulded together creating an amazingly thin and sleek model.
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