Whereas in China. We are aware of his superfast economy and industrial development, as in less than 10 years time, China will be the World No. 1 in electronics consumer market, Automobile consumer, Oil consumption… and probably the World Richest Country.
China is doing all kind of promotions in the energy saving awareness; we have to go Green in the electrical home appliance, Reduction of emission by banning the use of incandescent lamp.
In China we can see a lot of LEDs, practically 100% Traffic lamps are lit up by Solid State LED, whereas almost “Zero LED” in Hong Kong… what a shame to the Government of Hong Kong!
There is the first LED City Tianjin, and by time I went to Wei Feng where it is about 300 Km from Qingdao of Shan Tung Province,… A lot of LEDs, I think this is not officially announced as the 2nd LED City in China… To me , this is in fact a LED city.
This is some of my snap shots taken by the Nokia N97 mini cameras…I the past few days when I was there for meeting the prominent manufacturers for LED bonding equipment promotions.